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Rebate Application and Administration Support
Our local utility management experts can help minimize your conservation technology investment. We simplify the application process to maximize your return and ensure funds are distributed on a timely basis.
MWELO (Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance) Compliance

Most landscapes use more water than necessary to keep the plants fresh and appealing.
MWELO is a state regulation designed to prevent water from being wasted on irrigated landscapes. With extremely limited water supplies, continual watering restrictions, and increasing water rates, overwatering is not only wasteful, it damages plants and hardscape, such as sidewalks and parking lots. Safety and liability issues can occur, which may result in premature wear and tear and expensive lawsuits.

SAS Tech offers solutions to better manage your landscape. With our expertise and using the latest technology, we can reduce your water usage, lower your costs, and still keep your plants vibrant and healthy.

Landscape Design, Installation & Irrigation Retrofits
Water-efficient landscaping and irrigation management depends on the characteristics of your property. SAS Tech specializes in designing and installing drought-resistant landscapes. Whether you have a small residential yard or a large community association, we can design and install smart irrigation technology to significantly reduce water consumption.

Need a timely topic for your next property management association event? SAS Tech hosts educational seminars on electricity and water conservation. Your members will learn current best practices to increase the return on investments for their stakeholders while protecting the environment.

Discover the right solution for your situation.